Sunday, March 04, 2007

Today was a miserable day on all counts. It was mostly my own fault though - I'd forgotten to pack my waterproof trousers and realised it 1/2 hour or so after setting off. I suppose I could have gone back for them at that point but as it looked fairly reasonable thought I might as well carry on and if it got too bad I'd just turn back and come home. Of course after a while it started to pour down. The wind was relentless with the rain was coming full pelt sideways.

Quite pleasant at the start, but as always the weather changes ever so quickly

There was a Fell Runner's competition on which I'd not realised and they seemed to be popping up like March Hares. I take my hat off to all of them, they've probably run three times the distance I've walked! My once lovely, comfortable, stout shoes started to let water in big time and I felt quite jealous as they went whizzing by, while I felt lead weights were attached to my feet as my shoes were so water logged.

Leaving the mist behind me

Heading back down towards Crowden

Crowden Great Brook

5 hours and 12 miles later I was more than pleased to arrive home, get a steaming hot shower and put on some dry clothes. I must admit listening to the wind howl outside while I'm all cosy inside doing a bit of my embroidery is much more satisfying tonight.


jake said...

beautiful pixs. I live in a great canyon in New Mexico, USA. don't hike as much as i used to but like where i'm living.

Keep on blogging!

Peace, Jake

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jake for your kind comments, it was lovely to hear from you.